: : sleeping beauty's daily life : :
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Annyeonghaseyo. Welcome to my wonderland. it's sue. I'm yoondoojoon's girlfriend , choi minho's sister , lee junho fiance and also lee gi kwang's wife.. Be good to me please!


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Template: Nurul AtiQah
Edited By: Sue Fyah

oh , my love story !


First love ? seems like , semua manusia ats muka bumi ni ad first love masing2 kan ?? okay..tak nafikan..sue pown ada first love. someone told me before,that first love ni susah na lupa,..betul eh? sue sebenarnya tak tahu pown..sebab nya,sue nak lupa first love sue..tak semua 'first love' will give u HAPPINESS that u hve imagine right ...? sometimes, thing yang korang nak lupa sangat2 toe is 'first love' korang la kan...? *for certain people ok...tapi moment dengan 'orang' toe still ada....moment toe yang susah na buang..bkan 'orang' toe...i think,without your sweet memories with him/her..korang dah lma bleyh lupa dia kan ? siap ta knal each other lagi...betul kan apa yang sue cakap? *i hope so*..

Nak tahu psal sue pnya 'love story' ? tada larh best sngat...tapi tapa..sue nak share at sue pnya beloved diary  

READY......SET.....GO !!!

*ehemmmmmm3....test3...okay MISS CAPABLE,u can start your bored story right now !*

sue kenal 'x' ni dari sekolah rendah lagi...dulu,cuma suka2 tngok dia ja la...sbab nya,dia ny smart...tada pown member2 sue yang lain sama dengan dia...dia nie jenis pendiam and baik...sue tak rapat pown dengan dia..kan sue da ckap ! dia nie pendiam ! camna na rapattttt..hehehe..okay2...then,naek la high shool...high school ?? ewaaahhhh..tetap stu skolah...and STILL  ta rpat dengan dia..ok,sedih larhh jgak..sedih gila kowt ! hehe..gnas kan..? back to story --> sampai larh taon nak ambik PMR (taon ny : 2012) . ok taon ny, taon pling best sbab classmates sue suma sporting2 !! best sangat2 ! and yang paling best is..? 'dia' da jadi salah sorang dripada classmates sue yang sporting lagi gila2 tuhhh...awal2 toe tada la rapat sangat...masing malu2 kowt,gipown,dia da ada LOVER time toe..so,malas la na ganggu relay orang kan..

So,we became bestfriend start from that moment..good friend ! happy :) then,sekolah sue ad organized trip..sue and geng2 sue yg gila2 toe suma join..sama la macam 'dia' dengan member2 dia...dekat sana lagi best ! almost 24 hours we were being together ;) *jgn jelesssss ! i'm trying to avoid him,but i can't ! his 'charm' got me crazy ! tapi, sue realize something time toe..sue perasan dia macam ada feeling at bestfriend sue..so,DEMI MAKAN ! ehhh2.. DEMI KAWAN ! sue ignore la asa ska at 'dia' toe..nak buat macam mana kan..we were not belong to each other..

BUT , lepas trip toe,ada la sorang hamba ALLAH nie,baik aty na tlong sue dengan 'dia'..sue tolak..malu la...buat dia tahu sue yang terhegeh-hegeh dekat dia,triple malu k ! tapi, nasi dah jadi bubur ... hamba ALLAH yang baik hati lagi penyayang nie dah terlanjur gitau 'dia'..arghhhh ! sakit hati betul !! yang paling sakit hati sekali,'dia' terus terang dengan sue yang dia just anggap kami bestfriend..okay...sue trima dengan hati yang terbuka..

Then,we keep text ... getting closer and closer ..! sue ta pnah expect pown 'dia' ada feel something..yala...sebab sue engat dia text sebab kami bestfriend...so,sue ta ksah larhh text dia every single day..until one day,..

He told me that he was in love with me ! OMG !!!! that was the best thing ever ! i love him and i love him and i love him ...!!!!

Dear Weirdo,

Even though I can’t say it right now,
Even when I keep getting nervous looking at you
I always think of you
You don’t know yet, you don’t know my love
I just need you.
I want you like this
I just keep seeing you
In my head, it’s filled with the thoughts of you.
I’m so happy all day.
I was the silent one who said that I was never going to have a one-sided love in my life
That I was going to meet someone who loves me
But you are the boy that who broke all of that, how sad is this
I leave a message on your phone using the emoticons that I thought were so corny
You are the first boy who changed me this much !